Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Beginning of the End

Week eleven!?

As is the norm in this year we call 2020, this summer semester seems to have flown by and dragged on simultaneously. I've lost some steam as the near crawls closer, but have so enjoyed my time learning about Web 2.0 tools. There have certainly been some conversations that have opened my eyes and expanded my thinking that I wish there was more time to marinate in. I constantly wobble about in my preference of semesters and quarters for this very reason -- while I like the idea of a class ending prior to this loss of motivation, I fear there not being enough time to dive deeper into content of interest.

As we near the end of the course, I find myself in a pensive state reflecting on all of the ground we have covered. The topics I found the most enjoyment in this summer were our conversations around digital natives and community development.

Selfishly, I have found the topic of digital natives to be of extreme interest and I would love to have spent the entire semester learning more under that umbrella. Looking back, I wish I would have made more of an effort to review each topic through the lens of that theory.

Our work under the community development umbrella has inspired me to remove myself from the shadows of some online communities I follow. I feel like I am the cliche comment "long-time listener, first time caller" each time I engage with my favorite YouTubers. I have found the engagement pretty rewarding and the creators that I have taken time to comment on almost always respond or acknowledge my comment in some way shape or form. I may have even been inspired to put myself out into the internet as a content creator at some point in the future.

Overall, this contemplation I find myself in is both happy and sad-- I am excited to finish strong and hope you are too!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you: This summer has been long, and this summer has been short.

    This summer has not necessarily been what any of us wanted it to be.

    Still, I hope this summer has given us all new insights, and tools for continuing the journey. Keep applying the lens that interest you. This is not really an ending. :)
